So... Here I am again.
Resolving (a week earlier than the new year mind you!) to keep a blog that I can actually one day look back on and remember life! seriously I'm scary bad at journaling
We'll see how well I can actually stick to my resolution!
This post is SO necessary however, seeing as I am engaged!
Seriously can't stop looking at the ring. It's PERFECT.
I figured I would have a lot of friends and family wanting to know the story, and with it being the craziest time of year, it would be hard to tell all.
Cue... blog post.
I'm currently trying to decide if I should do this in two separate parts because this could get quite long.
Yep. Two parts it is.
Since I've been the worst ever, some (although I find it hard to believe) may not know our story. If you do, you can totally just disregard. Or read it, cause it's not bad.
the story: (we'll try to do the whole long story short thing here)
It all started back during good old junior high (awee) when 9th grade began. I had been friends with Chris upon entering junior high, but 9th grade we really hit it off. I mean, really.
We were constantly talking. It's so weird to think back on the 14 year old flirting hahaha. Lots of texting and locker chat. I remember I began to call him on the phone late into the night and we would talk until he was basically asleep. One day at school we were walking together and someone came up and put my hand in his and said "you two are SO going to date!" and I remember getting butterflies haha. Yikes. But we just became best best friends.
Chris would tell me he liked me, but I thought junior high "going out" was dumb and was terrified of my mom so I just blew that revelation off again and again. and again. The kid was pretty persistent, but it wasn't going to happen no matter how cute I thought he was.
So we stayed best friends. With jealousy on both sides whenever the other would glance someone else's way.
Fast forward to my sixteenth birthday. Surprised that he was my first date? We went miniature golfing. He still hadn't stopped telling me or showing me he liked me, but the thought of a boyfriend terrified me.
He took me to my first dance, and everyone basically knew that if anyone was going to even attempt to date me, Chris had dibs.
However, after homecoming junior year, things got dodgy. So after a rough patch that we probably can just skim over, I found myself facing a decision.
We began dating in the fall of our junior year, and never once did we break up (although there might have been some close calls)...
I actually wouldn't suggest dating in high school however, because saying goodbye to him was excruciating and dumb. We both always knew he would serve a mission, but it was hard. And sucked. More for me than for him I guess, but it was not a walk in the park. Haha did I say it wasn't fun?
While he was serving a mission in Hawaii (at least we think it was a mission?), I had my own adventures that ranged from the BYU dorm life to living across the world in London, but we always kept in contact. After two quick years, he returned home and that is a whole different story and blog post in itself because I was sure my heart was going to stop when I first saw him.
Four and a half months later, here we are. Engaged!
And I promise all of that mattered BECAUSE it is important to the story of HOW we got engaged. Which is coming soon.
But really... You'll want to hear this....
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