Thursday, September 27, 2012

forest runs

so I'll update on our whereabouts the last couple days and the unreal things we've been seeing and doing later.

tonight, we (including Kylie, Cassie, and Kenzie try saying that 5 times fast) decided to go on a run to get out our built up energy from our 3 hour bus ride to the Loire Valley.

We met up at 7:50pm and were planning on doing around a 4 mile run, which would put us returning at right around dark time.

One of the boys in our group told us to go on this little path behind the hotel. We take off, and it couldn't be more beautiful.

The weather was perfect, the air clean and crisp, and the scenery... well just go google Loire Valley. We were on some small path in the middle of a forest, with huge open fields every once in a while, and passing charming houses with ivy growing up the walls. It was literally one of those runs where you're just going along, totally engrossed in your surroundings, and you feel like you could go all day because it's so beautiful. As Kenz would say, we were totally having a spiritual and emotional experience.

After a couple of miles, we had to decide if we were going to continue on the main road and hope it led us back to the hotel, or if we should turn around and head back the way we came. In the interest of it getting dark on us and getting completely lost, we decided to turn around and go back the way we came.

We got back on the path, and were cruising along when of course, we came to a fork. I was totally convinced that we were supposed to go left but the rest of the girls thought it was right. I didn't want to be the one who led everyone else astray, but I shouldn't have buckled. It all went downhill from here.

We start heading down a hill on the right and it's just looking more and more unfamiliar. So we start slowing down, and Kylie steps into a ditch and completely pops her ankle. I'm talking it immediately starts swelling and she can't put weight on it pops her ankle. At this point, it's pretty much dark, and I'm kicking myself for not trusting my gut.

We say a prayer don't worry Mom we know what to do and I put Kylie on my back and carry her back up the hill. We go left. Kenz and Cassie are trying to haul back but I'm in a full sweat with Kylie on my back and can't go any faster. We've all pulled out our flashlight apps, but naturally our phones are all at 5% or less. I'm literally just praying that I can keep carrying Kylie and that we find our way back. Being lost is such a scary feeling.

Behind us, leaves are rustling and it sounds as if there's a big animal close by. I'm totally not even being dramatic, but in the height of us just being terrified, we all heard a high pitched scream at the same time. Like just a full on mountain lion behind us and someone who can't even walk? So terrifying.

Anyways... because my posts always get way too long... We are making our way as fast as we can down this small path, and I'm pulling out my way in the past cheerleader strength to get Kylie back.

We finally come up to where we can see the hotel, phones dead, and Kylie's ankle the size of a baseball. I'm in a full on sweat and have practically burned off all the calories I've eaten in the past two weeks (ha that's actually probably not possible but a girl can dream right?). We felt pretty adventuresome and outdoorsy.

But don't worry... the four of us are all super bonded now and we even hugged it out when we got back. Silver lining.

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