so in a nutshell:
wednesday was a real treat.
we had a lovely spot of afternoon tea at the orangery in Kensington gardens. British accents and high pinkies required. hahaha us being precocious? one day maybe.
That night was quite the experience. We got to go to the opera... Julius Caesar by Handel himself. So maybe it was four hours long and we were in the nosebleeds of the nosebleeds. I'm getting super cultured and enjoying every minute of it!
Thursday's are kind of tough because I have class from 9-12 and then 2-4.
Right? Life's hard.
Thursday night was so much fun though.
Every year one of the director's and his family do what they call a "fall ball". They get dressed up silly and dance to oldies. This year, we were invited to join them!
In true I'm-living-out-of-one-suitcase-and-have-to-get-creative fashion, Taylor and I sported the identical sister missionaries look for our dress up.
We pull it off pretty well yeah?
Friday was one to go down in the books.
Stonehenge and Stourhead gardens were on the agenda for today.
We were told that it would be cold and to dress appropriately.
So naturally I wore:
-a long sleeve shirt
-a denim button up (more on that later)
-a sweatshirt
-a coat
-a scarf
-socks and boots
and was still freezing.
If you don't know what stonehenge is, you've been living under a rock--pun intended.
It was awesome to see it though! Especially considering it was built over 2500 years B.C.
Oh and they carried the stones anywhere from 25-170 miles to get them to the site.
yeah no one knows how.
Told you it was windy and cold!
Side note: I have the worst luck with umbrellas.
This was my third one. Onto the fourth?
If anyone wants to fund my broken umbrella collection I wouldn't be opposed!
The part where Mr. Darcy proposes to Lizzie the first time?
It honestly was beautiful though. We were walking around and I just wanted to sit on a bench and be there all day. Not to mention the leaves were changing colors which is one of my favorite things ever!
Oh, and I got into a political argument with an old English chap here.
i miss you!