Wednesday, November 14, 2012

the blondes

haha notice how 5 of the 7 of us are blonde?

yeah we obtained the extremely flattering name "the blondes" from some girls in our group. We've also had many experiences since being in Europe where strangers have commented on our dominant blonde hair.

Who knew hair color made such a statement?

Anyways, my little sister (who with my mom is coming to visit me in THREE DAYS and I couldn't be more excited!) requested that I do a post about all of my friends here so she could figure them all out.

I guess I should have done this ages ago... but I think I just assumed everyone knew them.

So without further ado....

Taylor, also known as T-Watts. Attended high school at Olympus High and we've bonded over our dad's being doctors, being "on each others levels", and our grandparents owning homes a house away from each other in St. George such a small world. She was my roommate in Paris and I knew we would be good friends when she walked in, sat down, and told me she might be a mess because her boyfriend was leaving on a mission in a week.

This is Kenzie. Kenzie did quite a bit of switching back and forth between California and Utah growing up, but she graduated from Alta. Kenz and I both share the curse (or blessing?) of loving good food but desperately wanting to be fit. It's really quite a problem when you're living in Europe. Her love for weird dancing combined with her awkward long limbs never fails to entertain. You can't help but love Kenzie.

Lily is the only one of us who has managed to exercise any sort of self control when it comes to working out and eating healthy, which actually says a lot. Lily grew up in New Canaan, Connecticut, and we all slightly envy her for her ability to spend the day into New York City! Lil and I were put in a different room than all the other girls, and it's been way good getting to know her more one-on-one. She's the type of person who would do anything for people she cares about.

Alex dubbed herself the "holla" queen and I think that says it all. Haha my favorite story with Alex was when we were watching general conference. The conductor announced that President Monson would be speaking next, and Alex goes "holllaaa!" hahah Kylie turns to Alex and says, "Alex! You can't holla at the prophet!" She graduated from American Fork. Alex is always up for an adventure and is the friendliest of us all. We can count on her to make friends wherever we go. Her and Kylie are best friends from childhood.

You gotta love Kylie just look at our prom picture. Kylie was actually the only person I knew before coming as we had cheered competitively together years ago, but I hadn't seen or talked with her in years. She graduated from Lone Peak. Kylie is the person you go to if you want a good laugh. We all try to talk like Kylie because she's got all these great sayings such as "that's the ticket" or "she's so smooth." Just to explain how great Kylie is, she broke her ankle a couple weeks ago and hasn't let it hold her back or get her down at all- which is really saying something with how much we walk here. She's a trooper!

And last, but certainly not least... Cassie. When I first met Cass, I didn't know how well we'd get along. I kind of imagined her as the shy, goody two shoes type... haha I couldn't have been more wrong. We all are constantly being surprised by Cassie and her random thoughts. She's also a Lone Peak girl. My favorite memory associated with her has to do with last week's excursion up north. We all got some snacks to eat on the go so we wouldn't constantly have to stop somewhere to get food, and while everyone brought things like pop chips, crackers, or fruit, Cassie went and bought a loaf of bread, a jar of peanut butter, and some jam. Cass is the girl who eats 4000 calories a day and stays toothpick skinny. Always full of surprises.

I seriously lucked out with the girls who I've become friends with on this trip and we all have gotten along so well, which is really saying something when you're with anyone, let along a huge group of girls, twenty-four seven. Yay blondes!

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